Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is the Latin translation for this quote ?

"Everything will be ok in the end. If its not ok, its not the end."

I plan to get this as a tattoo, but in Latin. I'm assuming that online translators aren't that accurate. I'm hoping someone can help me w/ this as best as they can (: please %26amp; thanks!What is the Latin translation for this quote ?
Omnia bona (or: prospera) in eventu /erunt/; si non bona /sunt/, non eventus /est/.

I am not familiar with Latin expression for OK, so I use meaning of 'being right, prosperous'. Short%26amp;Lewis, using only one and a bit different example, suggest that 'every thing' (not everything) may be used, as a substantive, in singular. If you follow their description, your sentence translates as 'Omne bonum (prosperum) in eventu /erit/; si non bonum /est/, non eventus /est/. The forms of 'esse = to be' (erit = it will be; erunt = they will be; sunt = they are; est = it is) may be omitted in proverbial forms of sentence.What is the Latin translation for this quote ?
"Panton ero ok in terminus. Si suus non ok, suus non terminus."

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