Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Latin translation?

i asked this before but got the spellin wrong. what does this translate as?

servo mihi ex meus egoLatin translation?
It does not mean anything!!!

Did you get it out of a machine translator? You can't EVER translate any old English sentence just word by word into Latin. It just does NOT work.

These are all your Latin words:

"servo" = " I protect, guard, save" or else the dative or ablative singular of "slave, servant"

"mihi" = dative of "ego"="I"

"ex" = "out (of)"

"meus" nominative of the possessive pronoun ="my"

"ego" personal pronoun 1st person = "I"

If you want a short text translated you're way better off posting it here as a whole, and DON'T accept any babblefish answers!
what are you trying to say? then we can help you figure out how to say it.

what you have here is just an individual list of words, but no sentence.

for the slave/I save,

for me,

out of ____ (there's a blank because you need a word with a certain ending after ex, and it depends on the word, which ending you would put)



if you chose I save, then you don't have to translate ego (I) again.

If you chose for the slave, then you need a verb.

What, exactly, are you trying to do here? We can help you if you give us some more info.Latin translation?
I must agree with Aera and Haggesitze. This is meaningless, probably from some online translator. I'm old enough to remember the Latin Mass, and I don't recall that from anywhere in the Mass. I know 'Church Latin' is not the same as Classical, but it was never that messed up.

As a guess, the original input was probably 'Save me from myself' and that garbage came out. To say that would be:

Me serva e memet.

That's a command form (singular). For a plural command, it would be 'servate'. The 'memet' is an emphatic form in Latin - 'e memet' is like saying 'from me myself'. That's not good English, but it is good Latin. You could drop the '-met' without altering the basic thought.Latin translation?
protect me from my self
I serve only my self.
I am preserved by coming out of myself.
Save me from myself


haggesitze..........it is from the mass

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