Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Latin Translation?

Could someone please translate these phrases; in correct context to latin please?

1. For the Greater Good

2. Balance must be restoredLatin Translation?
there's no j in classical Latin, so it depends on what you're trying to accomplish

pro bona maiore / ad bonam maiorem

aequitas redanda est
1. Ad majorem (Dei) gloriam = For the greater good (of God)

2. Equilibrium restituendum (est)Latin Translation?
1. el paella llamo

2. nina nombre es enricaLatin Translation?
I would go with Aera on the 'good' part.

The 'balance' part seems to bring out some differences.

First, 'equilibrium' looks like a Latin word - but it isn't. Aequilibrium is most likely what was meant.. Also, even that means more like eveness, uniformity, or a level or horizontal position - not quite the same as the English word. 'Aequitas' is better, adding the senses of justice, impartiality, etc.

Another choice would be 'compensatio' - it's really an accounting term for balancing the books, but it was used figuratively for 'balance' in the sense this seems to be.

So for that one (and just to throw another verb into the mix):

Compensatio referenda est.
My semi-educated guesses:

1. pro maioribus bonis (probably from "Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquinas)

2. equilibrium restaurandum est.

You may find "majoribus" but that's old-fashioned; those "j"s have been replaced by "i"s for the most part. I'm less sure about # 2.

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