Friday, January 27, 2012

LATIN... I'm looking for a good phrase in latin or a latin translation about success or ambition?

I need a good Latin phrase or translation about sucess or ambition. I am open t suggestions, but would like something with the meaning of success is the ultimate goal, or the ends justify the means, or success through ambition, or eternal success or eternal ambition. I need something along those lines, thanksLATIN... I'm looking for a good phrase in latin or a latin translation about success or ambition?
exitus acta probat (Ovid)

The result validates the deeds

sedit qui timuit ne non succederet. (Horace)

He who feared he would not succeed sat still.LATIN... I'm looking for a good phrase in latin or a latin translation about success or ambition?
Veni Vedi Vici, I came I saw I conquered

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