Monday, February 6, 2012

What is the exact Latin translation of: Live by the Sword Die by the Sword?

The exact translation would be very helpfull thank youWhat is the exact Latin translation of: Live by the Sword Die by the Sword?
If you are referring to Matthew 26:52, the Latin (Jerome's Vulgate) is: omnes enim, qui acceperint gladium, gladio peribunt.

But the verb there is "take", not "live."

If you substitute in "vivo" (live) future perfect active indicative 3. p.p. and change the case of gladius to the ablative, you would get: omnes enim, qui vixerint gladio, gladio peribunt.

Translating what you're asking, "Live by the sword, die by the sword," with an imperative (command) or hortatory subjunctive (exhortation) doesn't make a lot of sense, unless you want people to live by the sword.

You could try the infinitives: vivere gladio (est) perire gladio; "to live by the sword (is) to die by the sword." It depends what you're really trying to say.What is the exact Latin translation of: Live by the Sword Die by the Sword?
gladio vivere, gladio perire - to live by the sword is to perish by the sword

ignore online translators' versions of latin, they are awful.What is the exact Latin translation of: Live by the Sword Die by the Sword?
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