Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is the accurate latin translation of "Break The Unbreakable"?

Hi! I'm planning to get a tattoo soon, and I'd like it t be in the root of most modern languages, Latin. Thing is, I'm no linguistics major, and I'm not about to trust my skin to an online translation service. Can someone tell me the proper spelling (and more importantly, proper grammar) of the phrase "Break The Unbreakable" translated into Latin?|||Frange infrangilem = Break the unbreakable (as a command)

Frangere infrangilem = To break the unbreakable

Contrary to Wakaflak's answer, there are a lot more than 3 Latin-derived languages. There are 50 or so currently in use - exact number depends on how you count some dialects. He at least should add the other well-known ones - Portuguese and Romanian.|||Latin is not the root of most modern languages. Its only the root of 3. Spanish, Italian, and French|||frangere insolubilia|||ak 47

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