Monday, February 6, 2012

What is the latin translation of the phrase... "Why does fear lead to hate?"?

Also if you can, a site to follow to find the correct prenunciation of the words as well.What is the latin translation of the phrase... "Why does fear lead to hate?"?
Cur timor ad odium tendit.

The link below gives you good audio examples. You;ll need to know that the 'u' in 'cur' is long - all other vowels are short. That'll make sense after you visit the site.What is the latin translation of the phrase... "Why does fear lead to hate?"?
The translation according to google translator is: Cur timor ducunt odisse?

If you click on the "listen"-button, you can hear a computer voice say the phrase.

Here is the link to google translator:|la|Why%2鈥?/a>

And on this site you can see the rules op pronunciation of all letters in Latin:鈥?/a>What is the latin translation of the phrase... "Why does fear lead to hate?"?
"Cur timor ad odium ducit?"


Cur = why

timor = fear

ad = to

odium = hate

ducit = lead (present tense, active voice, indicative mood, 3rd. person, singular)

Pronunciation, written phonetically:

"Coor tim-or ahh-d oh-dee-um doo-kit?"
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