Monday, February 6, 2012

Latin Translation for Tattoo?

I need to translate "Never forget where you came from" into Latin. I'm planning on getting a tattoo of it on my ribs this summer and I want to make sure I have the right translation. Please only respond if you are fluent or close to fluent in Latin. I have used an online translator to get "Nunquam alieno qua vos venit ex". Is this correct?Latin Translation for Tattoo?
No, it's not even vaguely close. "Ne obliviscaris unde veneris."

Edit: You don't use "numquam" in negative commands.
Nekad aizmirst, kur jums bija no

not sure^^Latin Translation for Tattoo?
Ok, the sentence is basically right; however, instead of "alieno, as, avi atum, are" I'd use the verb "obliviscor, eris, oblitus sum, oblivisci", and as far as I know "ex" isn' t necessary, as "qua" itself means "from where"; you can still leave "ex", it doesn' t really matter. I don' t know what Maddie is talking about, but that isn' t latin. Actually, I think it is latvian.Latin Translation for Tattoo?
Your answer has some right words but the grammar is totally messed up.

I would say, "numquam obliviscere quo veneris"

It's pretty foolish to get a tattoo in a language you don't know yourself.
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  • 1 comment:

    1. Hi,

      I actually have a latin tattoo and am looking to get another. Can anybody who is fluent double check this translation for me please?

      In english :
      Don't look back you're not going that way.

      So far I have gotten :
      Non dicas sic ne respicias
      Ne respicias sic non morieris

      Are either of these correct?
      Many thanks x
